comm’on produces and promotes the activities of Cross Pollination (CP), nationally and across Europe.
Professionals in the arts and culture build unique and personal constellations of techniques and knowledge. Many artists who work in freelance or project-based circumstances, encounter at a certain point professional isolation, loneliness, fragmentation and a disconnection from one’s own work, social context and professional genealogies.
The artists and researchers of Cross Pollination respond to this need for connection by developing nomadic laboratory meetings. In these temporary spaces they find an ethos of companionship, interdisciplinarity and dialogical practices which lie in-between the bodies of knowledge we each possess.
Working together with artists and researchers and their diversity of knowledge, expertise and practices is very rich, but it is also challenging. In response to this, we develop tactics that are built for navigating difference and emergence rather than sameness and the achievement of set goals. Because it is right here, in this fertile space in-between, that we seek processual acts of transformation, embracing practice and critical thinking as the oracular sources for artistic creation and knowledge production.
Over the past five years, CP has been inquiring new modes of intertwining these personal constellations, facilitating, writing and contributing to the building of communities of artistic research and creation across Europe.
After the initial laboratory session in 2017 at Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium in Denmark, Cross Pollination has developed a rich ecology of practices speaking to many aspects of contemporary professional art making: CP sessions on research and development of practice, pedagogy in the form of workshops and modules for higher education (BA and MA level), writing lab with several publications in A-level journals, CROPs Labs on interweaving creation processes for professional artists, artistic projects like hybrid performance le Petit Mort and the Wunderkammer – a community project where artists and citizens meet inside the artwork. CP has found connections, relationships and partners in many places around the world.
comm’on hosts the activities of Cross Pollination (CP), nationally and across Europe.
Click here to read more on CP activities.